Spatial & GIS

Tonkin develops, works with and exploits spatial software to solve a range of problems from stormwater management to multi-criteria land use analysis.

We work with a range of vendors to offer a unique spatial visualisation of your data, assets and information. We use robust technologies, including:

  • Enterprise GIS systems - ArcGIS Enterprise, Spectrum Spatial, IntraMaps 
  • Property and ratings systems - Synergy, Authority, Technology One 
  • Asset management systems - Conquest, Asset Master, Assetic 
  • Database management systems - SQL, PostGIS 

Tonkin approaches GIS from a whole-of-project perspective. We believe that at the end of the project, you should be given the data and the tools to make that data work within your organisation. As a vendor neutral consultancy, we will work with any GIS system.

Our advantage is bringing these systems together with spatial acting as the driver for informing the decision-making process, managing change and visualisation of data.

Our Capabilities

  • Geographical Information Services (GIS)
  • Enterprise GIS integration and development
  • Spatial visualisation and spatial analysis
  • Mobile data capture and remote sensing
  • Spatial training
  • Data management, database queries and development